Sunday, October 5, 2008

Life After Life: Act Three

Using the analogy of the three-act play, I want to consider now the third act: Life After Life. (If you want to read this post in the proper order, read my posts of 7-26-08, and then 8-21-08. In that way, today’s post will make more sense.)

In Act One we learned that there was a master plan for us; that we would leave our pre-earth home and begin a new life as a mortal being (body and spirit) on earth. Earth life would be a time for learning, growing, developing and understanding.

This experience in mortality allows us to gain knowledge and wisdom in ways that were not possible in our pre-mortal existence. We will pass through trials and tribulations. We will experience joy and grief, pleasure and pain, love and contention; many of the “opposites” that will contribute to our mortal education, and prepare us for what comes next. Before we can achieve immortality, we must pass through mortality.

Death is simply a temporary separation of the body and the spirit. Our spirit continues to live in a spirit realm until the day of resurrection. Resurrection, as initiated by the Savior, Jesus Christ, is a gift to all who lived on earth. After being resurrected, there will come a time of judgment.

The analogy of a three-act play pre-supposes that there is an author who sees the end from the beginning. Indeed, God, the Father, is the author of this grand plan. His Son, Jesus Christ, was commissioned, from the beginning, to play a key part in unlocking death’s door. And, for those who believe in Him, accept His gospel, and obey His commandments, there is the promise of Eternal Life; life in the presence of God.

Although resurrection is a free gift, Eternal Life, by this definition, is a choice. In fact, all of our time on earth is about choices. When we encounter truth and light, how do we respond? Do we choose to be obedient, or turn the other way? Our “Act Two” choices will help determine our “Act Three” rewards. Hence, by grace are we saved, and by works are we granted Life Eternal. (The message of the gospel is beautifully consistent.)

Is there more? Yes. After all, the third act lasts forever! It is without end. And what will we do then? We don’t yet know all the answers, but I suspect that all who so choose will continue their education in the ways of God in a realm filled with love and joy that is beyond our mortal comprehension.

We will certainly not be alone. Since the Author of this plan is also the creator of families, the family unit will continue to exist for those who have embraced the gospel and accepted the Godly ordinances that seal families together.

If you would like to learn more about our Heavenly Father’s “Plan of Happiness,” please click here.