Saturday, July 26, 2008

Act Two Begins; You are On Stage

Most Sunday mornings, at church, I have a chance to meet with a group of 12 & 13 year-old young men. I’m their teacher. Some of our most recent discussions have been about God’s plan for His children; a plan that puts life in perspective and adds a clarifying dimension of meaning and purpose. In short, it just helps us make sense out of things. It helps us see the “big picture.”

To look at life only through the lens of mortality leaves many unanswered questions. It’s like going to the theatre to see a play in three acts, but showing up late and having to leave early. As a result you only get to see the second act. Imagine how many questions you would have as you watched act two: “Why is this happening now? What happened in act one that would help explain this? What am I missing? What’s the relationship between these characters? How will this be resolved in act three?”

To further the analogy, imagine how difficult it would be for an actor to portray a character effectively having only read the second act of the play. He or she would have all kinds of questions about the relationships that exist with the other characters on stage. If I were the actor my questions might be, “Where am I? Who are these people? Why are they saying or doing that? What am I supposed to do next? Is there any connection between what my character is doing now and what happens in the next act?”

We are all like that actor. By now, in our lives, we may feel comfortable with who the other characters are, but, unlike the actor, we don’t have the advantage of knowing what happens on the next page. We don’t even have a script. Would knowledge of what happened in act one be of help? Would knowledge of the author’s plan for act three help us with the choices we must make today?

In my younger years I did a lot of university and community theatre. I can easily relate to this analogy. Maybe that helps explain why, in my “middle” years, I sometimes have dreams (more like nightmares) that I am in a play, about to go on stage, but I can’t remember my lines, and to add to my anxiety and fear, I can’t find my copy of the script! Even waking up, knowing it was just a dream, doesn’t always erase the panic. It lingers. I secretly wonder whether anyone else has dreams like that. (Not so secretly anymore, right?)

Being able to see, or have faith in, the big picture, brings me reassurance and hope. The author of our story, God himself, knows all things from beginning to end. Who we are is not defined merely by what takes place between our date of birth and our date of death. That is just the “second act.” So, what happened before? What happens next? The Author knows, and He has shared with us a glimpse of the answers through prophets and recorded scripture.

Maybe that would be a good topic for my next post.

Until then,


Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Who Are We to Judge?

A good friend of mine taught me something recently. He helped me see an old lesson from the scriptures in a new way. You remember when Jesus taught us not to judge others? As part of His Sermon on the Mount, Jesus said, “Judge not, that ye be not judged.” (Matthew 7:1)

Most of us know what it feels like to be the subject of someone’s harsh judgments; to be criticized, called names or put down. Having been subjected to it ourselves, it’s easy to understand why the Savior wouldn’t want us to behave that way toward others.

Well, I already had a pretty good understanding of this part of the teaching. Although, there are many situations where we must make judgments, but they must be righteous judgments; based on our knowledge of right and wrong, and not directed toward an individual as an instrument of hate or hurt.

So what more is there to know about this verse? My friend helped me see that it can also apply to judging ourselves. God, our Heavenly Father, sent us to earth with a purpose. He, who knows us best, has full confidence in our potential and our abilities. We, on the other hand, might be tempted to judge ourselves as being less capable than we really are.

As we grow and learn about His commandments, some might say, “I’m just not good enough!” “What do you mean I’m supposed to love my neighbor? Surely, that doesn’t include the jerk up the road whose dog is constantly digging up my back yard.” Or, “Maybe I’m just not cut out to be the ‘Christian’ type.” Or, “In my case, I’m sure the commandments were only meant to be suggestions.”

What about you? Have you ever judged yourself as being less than the person God meant you to be; just “not cut out for” this or that? When this happens, not only are we misjudging ourselves, we are also lying to ourselves; rationalizing, with all the reasons we can find, just to avoid living up to God’s expectations. Maybe we do it out of fear; fear that we might fail. And if we might fail, then why try, right? “I just can’t do it.” Maybe it is a lack of discipline, or a lack of commitment. Ultimately it is a lack of faith.

God knows what I’m capable of, and I believe he won’t give me a task that I, with His help, cannot accomplish. I am guilty, however, of judging myself as being less; of not having faith in the marvelous potential the Creator placed in me. With new light shed on this teaching, now I have a new challenge to strive to live by.

Your comments?

P.S. If you would like to read more about God’s plan for your life, click here.

Friday, July 11, 2008

My Brazilian Connections

While I was in college, I took a two-year break to serve as a full-time missionary in Brazil. What a wonderful experience! I love the Brazilian people; their culture, their language, their country.

Well, not long ago I was searching blogs and found one that was created by a Brazilian woman; a Doctor who lives in Sao Paulo. I spent almost a year of my missionary days there. Since her blog included an e-mail address, I wrote a short note in Portuguese. I explained my connection to Brazil and she was kind enough to write back.

We have exchanged several e-mails since then. In one of her e-mails she explained that although she believes in God and Jesus Christ, she feels some resistance toward religion. In my response I wrote, “I think many people feel resistant toward religion. Where does that feeling come from? Maybe it's because some people have twisted religion to become an institution that serves their own needs more than God's.”

Of course there are other reasons why my Brazilian friend might feel this way. What do you think?

If you have ever been curious about what members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints believe, there is a very informative web site you should visit. Here’s the link: You’ll find answers to questions like, “What is the purpose of life?” and many others.

Let me know what you think.

Sunday, July 6, 2008

So Many Pressing Questions!

In my first post I challenged you with the question, "Who are you?" The follow up question to that was, "How does your answer help you discover your purpose in life? Other questions worth pondering were, "Why am I here?" "Where did I come from?" and "What happens after death?" Now for another question: Where can we find the answers to these very important questions?

The truth is, most of us are too busy to be too concerned with these kinds of questions. Life is full of so many other questions that seem more important, and more pressing ... at least at the time. Do any of these sound familiar:
What time does Jimmy have to be at soccer practice?
When is Rover's vet appointment?
Who's picking up Jenny from school?
How many chapters do we have to review before tomorrow's exam?
Why is the traffic backed up like this? Why today?
Which of these shampoos will make my hair look good?
Should I get a face lift?
When is the sales report due?
Who's going to win the Super Bowl?
Who's going to be the next American Idol?
What time does the flight leave for Miami?
What's for dinner?
What do we need at the grocery store?
Does this dress look good on me?
Where are you taking Jessica for dinner?
Should we go to the movies?

Do any of these sound familiar? You could easily add a dozen or more of your own as you think back over the last 24 hours. No matter how unimportant they might be, they get more of our time and attention than something like "What is the purpose of life?" After all, who goes around asking that? (Another tough question.) :-)

When we turn our attention to questions that delve into the meaning of life, we must also turn our attention to the source of such answers. Do you believe in some Divine Force who governs the universe? I do. I call him God. (You may have another name for this omnipotent being.) And because I'm a Christian, I believe in God's Son, Jesus Christ, and in the Holy Ghost. It is the role of the Holy Ghost to reveal fundamental truths. The Spirit speaks to our spirit. It is a "still, small voice," and when we listen ... carefully listen, we gain understanding.

I believe in the following explanation: "The glory of God is intelligence; in other words light and truth." One of the purposes of life is for us to gain intelligence; light and truth. It is a life-long pursuit, and one that must be given a high priority in our lives. As we gain Godly knowledge, we grow in light and truth, "and that light groweth brighter and brighter until the perfect day."

More later ...

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Some Thoughts on Purposeful Living

Someone once said to me, "The purpose of life is to figure out who you really are, then live your life accordingly." Sounds simple, no? But try answering the question: Who are you?

At what level did you answer the question? Did you just give your name? Did you offer up a title; Director of Marketing, a writer, a consultant, an American or something like that? That's fine, but job titles change. Careers change. Aren't you more than that? Of course you are. Dig deeper.

So who are you? Really. If you and I are to accept that premise that "living life on purpose" is to first know who we really are, we have got to explore the question at the level of a seed. From a seed grows a tree or a bush or a plant. On the tree there might be fruit. On the bush there might be beautiful flowers. On the plant; vegetables.

We are human beings. (That's another way to answer the question.) But where did we come from? What "seed" was planted that produced us? Aaah, now we are getting into biology. Yes, you could answer the question at a biological level, but does that help us understand our purpose? Are we here, on earth, merely to survive long enough to propagate the species? If so, how many offspring are you required to produce for your purpose to be fullfilled?

This blog is designed to help us explore these questions together: Who am I? and How does the answer guide me in living life with purpose?