Sunday, July 6, 2008

So Many Pressing Questions!

In my first post I challenged you with the question, "Who are you?" The follow up question to that was, "How does your answer help you discover your purpose in life? Other questions worth pondering were, "Why am I here?" "Where did I come from?" and "What happens after death?" Now for another question: Where can we find the answers to these very important questions?

The truth is, most of us are too busy to be too concerned with these kinds of questions. Life is full of so many other questions that seem more important, and more pressing ... at least at the time. Do any of these sound familiar:
What time does Jimmy have to be at soccer practice?
When is Rover's vet appointment?
Who's picking up Jenny from school?
How many chapters do we have to review before tomorrow's exam?
Why is the traffic backed up like this? Why today?
Which of these shampoos will make my hair look good?
Should I get a face lift?
When is the sales report due?
Who's going to win the Super Bowl?
Who's going to be the next American Idol?
What time does the flight leave for Miami?
What's for dinner?
What do we need at the grocery store?
Does this dress look good on me?
Where are you taking Jessica for dinner?
Should we go to the movies?

Do any of these sound familiar? You could easily add a dozen or more of your own as you think back over the last 24 hours. No matter how unimportant they might be, they get more of our time and attention than something like "What is the purpose of life?" After all, who goes around asking that? (Another tough question.) :-)

When we turn our attention to questions that delve into the meaning of life, we must also turn our attention to the source of such answers. Do you believe in some Divine Force who governs the universe? I do. I call him God. (You may have another name for this omnipotent being.) And because I'm a Christian, I believe in God's Son, Jesus Christ, and in the Holy Ghost. It is the role of the Holy Ghost to reveal fundamental truths. The Spirit speaks to our spirit. It is a "still, small voice," and when we listen ... carefully listen, we gain understanding.

I believe in the following explanation: "The glory of God is intelligence; in other words light and truth." One of the purposes of life is for us to gain intelligence; light and truth. It is a life-long pursuit, and one that must be given a high priority in our lives. As we gain Godly knowledge, we grow in light and truth, "and that light groweth brighter and brighter until the perfect day."

More later ...

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